Lifters Elbow
Lifted elbow or its medical term Tricep tendonitis is an inflammation of the tricep tendon. This is a thick band of connective tissue connecting the tricep muscle to the back of the elbow. Lifter elbow can be caused by overuse be it at work or in sports. For treatment and assistance, we recommend that you contact our elbow doctor in Garden City at Hand in Hand Occupational Therapy.
Practice good Lifting form
When weight lifting, having good form is key to a successful workout but also not injuring yourself. On the other hand, having bad form can bring a world of issues like working out the wrong muscle group or pain. When weight lifting with an experienced lifter can prevent the event of you hurting yourself. Along with that, starting from lower weight and working your way up to a weight that is doable and not overwhelming can help keep injuries at bay.
Dealing with Lifters Elbow
Beyond having good form for lifting and limiting the number of times you utilize the muscle. But when you are experiencing Lifters Elbow there are a few things you can do to help with the pain:
Rest- avoid movement or activities that can further the pain of your tricep tendon
Ice- Apply ice to the area for about twenty minutes to help with swelling and pain
compression - use wraps to compress and offer support to the area until the swelling is gone.
Elevate- raise the affected area above the level of your heart to also help with swelling
In addition, taking over-the-counter medication for the pain can help with sleep also. If that doesn’t help then a steroid injection to the area can help or platelet-rich plasma injection can also work. Lastly, our elbow doctor in Garden City can help bring back strength to the tricep muscle.
How Hand in Hand Occupational Therapy Can Help Elbow Pain
Lifters Elbow is a very serious injury and needs serious attention. We offer one on one care with our Elbow Doctor in Garden City. We will provide you with detailed exercises that will improve your elbow pain. Don’t wait to visit our website to book an appointment.